who can it be now...?

hi! if you're reading this and you received a link from me directly, you probably know who i am already! if you don't, you can call me prinz or any of my other names! (link in progress) i first made this site many years ago to share my interests and creations, but i've decided to repurpose it as a (semi-anonymous) space to express my identity(/ies) as multiself! wei call muirselves the supernova codex!! our emoji shorthand is 💫🗃️!

disclaimer: for the sake of my mental health, i do not participate in syscourse. just know that i do not call myself a system, though i may refer to myselves as a "collective" and describe my experiences using plural terms if nothing else fits. wei switch between "i/me/my," "we/us/our," and "wei/muis/muir" as wei see fit. i often refer to my selves/mindsets as "stars," never "alters" or "headmates" or the like.

current star count is unknown - we're still figuring things out and working on a directory for individual about pages! the primary self is me, prinz (they/it/any). my "co-star" is clipper (she/he/it + neos). wei also have a "secondary self", nova (it/its + neos) who wei consider to be an "anchor" of sorts for everybeing else.
if it wasn't already obvious, our collective is heavily based on space and the stars, as they hold deep significance to me (prinz). you'll see the same with gems & crystals, angels & demons, royalty, magic, the ocean & marine life, as well as many other elements that are near and dear to the heart!

asset attribution - star divider by Gasara (click!) // moon favicon posted to tumblr by cheezitofthevalley (click!)